See MariaDB Package Repository Setup and Usage for more information. Note that this script also configures a repository for MariaDB MaxScale and a repository for MariaDB Tools, which currently only contains Percona XtraBackup and its dependencies. To use the script, execute the following command: curl -sS | sudo bash The MariaDB Package Repository setup script automatically configures your system to install packages from the MariaDB Package Repository. This repository contains software packages related to MariaDB Server, including the server itself, clients and utilities, client libraries, plugins, and Mariabackup. MariaDB Corporation provides a MariaDB Package Repository for several Linux distributions that use apt to manage packages. If you want to install MariaDB with apt, then you can configure apt to install from MariaDB Corporation's MariaDB Package Repository by using the MariaDB Package Repository setup script. Using the MariaDB Package Repository Setup Script We currently have APT repositories for the following Linux distributions: This page walks you through the simple installation steps using apt. Repository using apt, aptitude, Ubuntu Software Center, Synaptic Package Manager, or another package On Debian, Ubuntu, and other similar Linux distributions, it is highly recommended to install the relevant. Available DEB Packages in MariaDB 10.2 and MariaDB 10.3.Specifying Specific Versions to Install.Version Mismatch Between MariaDB and Ubuntu/Debian Repositories.Upgrading mariadb-server and mariadb-client packages.Installing Older Versions from the Repository.Installing MariaDB Clients and Client Libraries with APT.Installing MariaDB Galera Cluster with APT.Installing the Most Common Packages with APT.Updating a Repository with add-apt-repository.
Updating the Major Release with the MariaDB Repository Configuration Tool.Updating the Major Release with the MariaDB Package Repository Setup Script.Updating the MariaDB APT repository to a New Major Release.Pinning the MariaDB Repository to a Specific Minor Release.Using the MariaDB Repository Configuration Tool.Using the MariaDB Package Repository Setup Script.